Yang li shuang


Diploma in Business Management

P5 Fractions

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In this course, students will be able to learn a total of 3 concepts under Fractions. They will be the part-whole Fraction concept, Remainder concept and substituition concept. This course also covers some important tips and tricks when doing Fraction questions. Be sure to check it out!

This course includes:
 3 Lesson Video
 0 Assignments

Fraction Tricky question

In this lesson, we are going to explore 2 very similar but different questions. These questions involve fraction with units and fraction without units. Though they look pretty similar, both questions has a different way of solving it. Take note and avoid losing such marks in the exam when you see a similar question!

Fractions of a set

Fractions of a set has already been covered in P4. But, since we have already learn multiplying of fractions in P5. We are going to learn a new method of solving these questions. With this new method, you are able to solve these questions in just 3 minutes without having to draw a model. A time-saver! Watch this video to find out more.

Remainder Concept

Remainder concept or Branching method, is one of the concepts that students struggle to understand. In this video, I will cover 2 methods to solve such questions namely the model method and branching out method. Watch this video to deepen your understanding on this concept!