In this course, students will be able to learn a total of 3 concepts under Fractions. They will be the part-whole Fraction concept, Remainder concept and substituition concept. This course also covers some important tips and tricks when doing Fraction questions. Be sure to check it out!
In this lesson, we are going to explore 2 very similar but different questions. These questions involve fraction with units and fraction without units. Though they look pretty similar, both questions has a different way of solving it. Take note and avoid losing such marks in the exam when you see a similar question!
Fractions of a set has already been covered in P4. But, since we have already learn multiplying of fractions in P5. We are going to learn a new method of solving these questions. With this new method, you are able to solve these questions in just 3 minutes without having to draw a model. A time-saver! Watch this video to find out more.
Remainder concept or Branching method, is one of the concepts that students struggle to understand. In this video, I will cover 2 methods to solve such questions namely the model method and branching out method. Watch this video to deepen your understanding on this concept!
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