Yang li shuang

Diploma in Business Management

Primary Math, Elementary Math, Additional Math

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All Courses

Primary Math - Trigonometry

In this course, we will cover all you need to know about trigonometry in a right-angled triangle, obtuse and acute triangle, congruency and similarity test. This will form the foundation of your understanding of further trigonometry in the unit circle, graphs and other trigonometry identities in Additional Math. By the end of this course you would learn: Sin rule Cos rule Congruency and similarity triangle proof real-life application of trigonometry (angle of elevation/depression/pythagoras Theorem) https://www.facebook.com/learnwlishuang/

1 Lessons

Primary Math model drawing heuristics

Model drawing is a key heuristic method taught to Primary 2/3 students. Mastery of this technique helps solve over 70% of word problems, including advanced topics like fractions, percentages, and ratios. It forms a strong foundation for tackling more complex problems in upper primary levels. In this course, students learn advanced model drawing techniques, which involve multiple steps and careful observation, typically introduced at the P4 and P5 levels.

7 Lessons

P5 Fractions

In this course, students will be able to learn a total of 3 concepts under Fractions. They will be the part-whole Fraction concept, Remainder concept and substituition concept. This course also covers some important tips and tricks when doing Fraction questions. Be sure to check it out!

3 Lessons